Hi, Noteschool Members – I have an occupied rental in a nice neighborhood in Dayton OH, currently rented at $550/month, recently re-habbed, almost new roof, $39,900 cash. CFGLoan Advisors estimates value at $40,341. Call Co Horgan at 928-474-5938, or email at chorgan@easylivingrealty.biz for more information.
I have two loaded rentals for sale in Dayton. I also know two other NS students who each have a loaded rental for sale in Dayton. FYI – keep in mind when marketing to investors we could put a small portfolio together. Each of our deals run from your $39k to $62k with rents varying from $550-$850/mo. Feel free to contact me 817-596-4846 or Robyn@BearCatCapital.com