Hi everyone,
This is Wallace Wong and Daniel Kim from California. We’ve been part of the Noteschool community for a few months now; purchased/brokered 5 performing notes and have realized that we can learn so much more and faster if we collaborate more frequently instead of seeing each other in person every few months.
I really enjoyed the Summer Summit content and especially meeting you all again. From talking to many of you, it seems that we all have different content/materials and tactics to raise money. I think it’ll be a huge advantage to share thoughts, ideas, content, and tactics with one another to help elevate all of us to another level.
If anyone is interested in being part of a call and/or webinar to share information to help each other, please reply with your email.
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Daniel Kim[/caption]
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Wallace Wong[/caption]
Hi Wallace,
I have yet to do my first deal but I’m interested to learn more about potential targeted investors and methods used by peers.calvin@storiedcapital.com
Calvin -
Yes please, Kim and Malin Hall. Joined right before Thanksgiving and have been consuming all the content we can while “learning to fish”. Would be great to go over marketing plans with fellow students.
Malin and Kim
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